Tuesday, June 24, 2008

MBTI Type Indicator (MBTI)

I did the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), a psychometric questionnaire designed to identify certain psychological differences according to the typological theories of Carl Jung. It was first developed on the belief that a knowledge of personality preferences would help women who were entering the industrial workforce for the first time identify the sort of war-time jobs where they would be "most comfortable and effective".

You can take the test here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm

My results are INFJ, what's yours? =)

The different types' forecasted compatibilities can be found here: http://www.socionics.com/rel/rel.htm.

Am I compatible with you? ;)

Personally, I tend to take this simply as a guideline to take note of different things about myself or with respects to others rather than allow myself to be "boxed" into this type.

Sex and the City (Singapore version): Season N Ep 1

While trying to concentrate on finishing a sudoku puzzle in the mrt on the way to work, a monologue, loud enough for all the passengers in the MRT cabin to hear, of 1 girl to her friend disturbed my concentration.

(Edited version to removed objectionable words)
Girl 1: (Sobbing loudly) My boyfriend has absolutely no respect for me. Sleeping around with other girls is one thing, but coming back to tell me about their sexcapades? This is totally unacceptable.
Girl 2: (Looking sympathetic while patting her hand)
Girl 1: I mean, what kind of foundation is he building in our relationship? Even if we were to get married, it would go nowhere, we would end with divorce.
Girl 2: (Nodding her head, empathising with her friend)
Girl 1: I can't believe it, we're reached the stage where I'm even considering marrying him. I mean, I've come into this relationship thinking that I can leave him anytime, and now he's left me far too deep in love with him.
Girl 2: You know for me and my boyfriend...
Girl 1: You know he's so sweet, he does... and and .... he had even proposed to me, but then had laughed it off and changed his mind quickly....

This led me to wonder: "When is "enough is enough"?

Your call... ;)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Dance like no one's watching

MSN between Mr Fox and myself many, many moons ago:

Mr Fox: You'll never be good in salsa.
Me: You know, that's so encouraging. Thanks for letting me know.
Mr Fox: You're not hiao enough lah.

I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted at this point so I did my usual diversionary tactic of changing the topic.

I wonder if it's the experience that comes with age (Gasp!) but sometimes I'm saddened by the changes that happen in me. From being a chirpy, forthcoming girl (who usually says the wrong thing, apologising unabashedly before being forgiven magnanimously by the other party), I've somehow changed into this self-conscious hag who is conscious about not making a mistake, not saying the wrong thing and not stepping on anyone's toes.

And somehow, this translates into my dancing as well.

It's alright when I'm following a partner, feeling free to express myself, styling without abandon even if it sometimes interfere with his lead (oops). But somehow when the lead lets me go or even just stand stock still to encourage me to shine or style, I suddenly feel like I'm floating in space - awkwardly manoeuvring back to a place with gravity.

This happens even despite the tips and encouragement of nice girls, like Danielle and Chantel who try to explain how to signal that the shine movement parts have ended. All these sound well and good in my head. But when it gets to the dance floor...

I think Mr Fox is right. Some girls just show their best side when they know others are watching, and are thus able to play with and have chemistry with the audience.

For ordinary girls like me, this advice might be best:
"Work like you don't need money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
And dance like no one's watching."

The heart of the matter, is the matter of the heart. Whether from the lack of self-consciousness (in a good way), the full seizing of the moment, or just simply enjoying the surroundings as it is (with the music, the people and most importantly, the dance partner.) It is setting the heart and body loose to go with the flow.

With that principle in place, I'd guess it's just a matter of modelling and learning the strategies. Now, to get my body to listen to that same maxim... :)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Attitude's Summer Salsa Splash Party

Summer... the beach, clothing to reduce heat... That's precisely the spirit that Attitude Dance Studio (ADS) inculcated in dancers through their Summer Salsa Splash party in Upper Club on 21st June 2008, Sat with allusions to loosened inhibitions.

Sharon Pakir started the ball rolling by a mini-workshop on simple shines for simple partnerworks. With her "guys, appreciate the butt that your partner pops out" and "girls, if he's paying too much attention to you, get really close and in his face" and with their great dance performances that showcases wonderful musicality, it is nothing short of inspiring.

And inspire me it did. For once in a very long time, I'm able to take a deep breath, reminded myself to go slow and be willing to lengthen the beats, and just style and shine with where my heart takes me. I'm sure my dance partner grimaces at my contortions yesterday night but I believe I'll be improving slowly and surely.

The final fun barometer? Instead of doing my usual Cinderella thing, (I have to. :( My work and lifestyle dictates my waking hours...) when I come up for air from dancing, I glanced at the watch on my friend's wrist and gape that it is already after 12mn! In fact, I'm not deterred from the dance floor even when the aircon broke down just before midnight but simply got right back to dancing till the wee hours of 2a.m.

Of all the parties I've attended, ADS' has always been the most inspiring in terms of their performances, choice of music played and funky (and not too difficult) dance themes. I'm so going for the next party they organise. :)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A relationship is a gift... you'll never know when and what you're going to get

Dedicated to Mrs Matchmaker, who got us to know each other. And HE owes you, he's lucky to have me. :p

It's such a coincidence! After reading Chantel's post, I accidentally came across my "list" while trying to start packing (I'm still officially not packed *argh!!!* ) and had a good laugh about it. It was written in 1st November 2006. Taking a closer look at it, it is actually quite a surprise that my Mr Strong aka Mr Maybe-Right fulfills 70% of my list (the others don't matter. *LOL*) and these are the important qualities:

A Christian
Listens and takes into account my opinions
Tolerant (of me)

To bring people who don't know me pre-2006 up to speed, 2006-2007 are the years (after a long time of struggle) when I had gradually become convinced that my gift is the contented, single life. Another surprise was that we had known each other through a friend in a social circle I had never expected my boyfriend to come from.

About the time when I was first introduced to Mr Strong, I had this conversation with our Mrs Matchmaker (whom I first knew on the 3rd Jan 2007):

Mrs Matchmaker: Hey good news!!
Me: Oh! Oh! Don't tell me... you're pregnant!
Mrs Matchmaker: No.....
Me: Aiyoz, you disturbed me in the middle of work... it'd better be big
Mrs Matchmaker: Mr Strong is a Christian!!!
Me: (duhz... ) Ok....

[Quick update: Mrs Matchmaker is really pregnant now - with twins!!!! Congrats Mrs Matchmaker!!!!]

And somehow over time, Mr Strong, whom I had thought would be my Mr Always-be-friends became my Mr Maybe-Right. And now, on coming across this list, it is amazing how much he fulfills my list.

Darn, and I was so convinced my boyfriend would not have popped up from that social circle given that it was not in a church or fellowship setting.

Similarly as to how this relationship is a gift, I have faith our future is a present, no matter how it turns out or what it brings. I'm not sure if he'll be my Mr Right, but I am open to being surprised and in joy... however it turns out.

To Mrs Matchmaker, be very very happy. :)

A simple introduction

This entry is dedicated to Chantel, a sociable, cheerful and big-hearted girl whose post was the reason why this blog was started.

It was started on the 20th June, Friday because of the amazing coincidence of reading Chantel's post dated 22nd Aug 2006 on her list for her ideal partner and finding my own list (dated 11th November, 2006) right after in my drawer while attempting to pack my room. It inspired a sudden "I must write this down" urge and this blog was born. With blogspot's infrastructure and spontaneous ideas for the theme, title and ideas on it generated on the spot as I needed the information, its delivery duration is 2 hours 30 min.

Chantel is just such a person. Like the way the title of this blog was born (many titles which expresses the theme of ordinary invisibleness was already taken and not available until the analogy of "grass of the field" was found), Chantel has her goals in her mind and grabs the opportunities that will help her move forward.

Different as we are in character, there are a few similarities in our lives. We're the same age, at similar stages in our lives, wrote our list for the ideal partner at around the same time, found our Mr Maybe-Right at around the same period and took salsa at around the same time. We're similarly vexed right now on improving in our shines and our spins in our dancing. What can I say, we're destined to be friends. :)

About this theme... of being ordinary yet knowing my extraordinary value. The affirmation comes not (as you may think) by my boyfriend (as of now) but by the eternal lover of my soul who has placed so many wonderful people in my life. Suffice to say my posts about Him can be found here while this blog is a muse of ordinary events by an ordinary girl whose life is impacted by the people around her - as one blade of grass is related to all the organisms in the field.

Hmm... guess I'll let my entries speak for me... perhaps this entry would be beefed up when I am more inspired...

To Chantel, thanks for being in my life. It had really helped to be friends with someone whose current life stage is so similar to mine, who is also yet so different from me in character. Will be inspired by your example to overcome my natural shyness and be thick-skinned in the pursuit to become even better in salsa. ;)