Tuesday, June 24, 2008

MBTI Type Indicator (MBTI)

I did the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), a psychometric questionnaire designed to identify certain psychological differences according to the typological theories of Carl Jung. It was first developed on the belief that a knowledge of personality preferences would help women who were entering the industrial workforce for the first time identify the sort of war-time jobs where they would be "most comfortable and effective".

You can take the test here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm

My results are INFJ, what's yours? =)

The different types' forecasted compatibilities can be found here: http://www.socionics.com/rel/rel.htm.

Am I compatible with you? ;)

Personally, I tend to take this simply as a guideline to take note of different things about myself or with respects to others rather than allow myself to be "boxed" into this type.


Chantel said...

3 yrs ago... my type is ESFJ... 3 yrs later which is now, I would need to do the test again to see if I have changed.


Ms Carpe Diem said...

Haha, do we do the same tests?

Years ago (can't remember when), my type was ENFP. Then, a couple of years back, I become INFP. Now I am INFJ....

Oooh... and we are this relations: http://www.socionics.com/rel/ill.htm

Looks like we can have great fun together. :)

Chantel said...

my test was done with a proper trainer during team building. I'll try ur online version one day. ;)


Ms Carpe Diem said...

Wah, got professional opinion one lehz... dun play play. ;)